Deep Streams Zen Institute

Carol Tanenbaum
Carol Tanenbaum
Joseph Bobrow
Joseph Bobrow

Zen Practice with Deep Streams

Regular zazen — We meet weekly via Zoom on Mondays at 6:20pm. There are also morning sittings on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 7am.

Joseph gives a Dharma talk the first Monday of the month, and there is a class on diverse topics of interest on the third Monday.

Click here to view the full calendar

We invite you to join us. Newcomers and old hands alike are welcome. Instruction is provided. We also have the occasional hybrid (zoom + in-person) retreats.

For more information please email:

Excerpts from Joseph's New Book

Enter a Person of No Rank

Part 1 of 2 of an excerpt from the newly released book, A True Person of No Rank.

True No Self

Part 2 of 2 of an excerpt from the newly released book, A True Person of No Rank.

The Transformative Power of Wise and Compassionate Action

Interview with Joseph Bobrow Roshi by Vanessa Zuisei Goddard of Tricycle: The Buddhist Review


Book Release

"Please read this book. Joseph Bobrow is a true meditation teacher who walks his talk and enjoys his practice." 

—Thich Nhat Hanh

"Bobrow’s voice from the Zen teaching seat is clear, compassionate, encouraging, deep, yet modest. Those adjectives apply to the book in its entirety.”

—Foreword by Norman Fischer

For more information about Joseph's writings click here.

Podcast - Lotus in the Fire


Listen to our Podcast

We live in times of danger and uprising. Buddhist principles and practices are a rich source of insight, transformation, perspective and peace. What is compassionate action in the midst of injustice, brutality, and ignorance? The lotus grows from recycled refuse. We use all of what we experience—from despair to anger, from grief to love— to transform anguish and protect all beings. Join me, Joseph Bobrow, for lively, in-depth, personal conversations, as we realize the lotus in the midst of a world on fire.

Most Recent Episodes

Activating the Power of the Beloved Community

Join Kazu Haga, author of Healing Resistance: A Radically Different Response to Harm,  and me as we delve into the nature of personal, social and ecological change, healing trauma, and the intersection of non-violent direct action and spirituality.


Radical Change— with Roots in the Soil of Relationships

Join me for a most stimulating conversation on the origins and nature of genuine change with Kritee, climate scientist, socioecological community activist, Zen priest, original, integrative thinker, and inspiring presence.

Walking The Path

A core delusion is that we are isolates, disconnected from others and the world, separable from the fabric of life. As we walk the path of Zen together, we discover that each of us is awakened from the beginning and we are connected to all beings in a vast living web. As a friend puts it, "Isolation Kills, Community Heals."


Questions about joining our group? Send us a message, we will respond.