Most Recent Talks
The First Anniversity of George Floyd's Murder

Zen and Psychotherapy
A series of interviews of Joseph on his new book Zen and Psychotherapy: Partners in Liberation, each highlighting diverse facets of this rich theme.
Interview of Joseph Bobrow by Michael Diamond.
Join Joseph and Michael for a stimulating wide-ranging and personal discussion of Joseph's new book, Zen and Psychotherapy, Partners in Liberation.
To purchase the book in question, please click the button below.
Trauma and Transformation
Waking Up From War
A series of interviews on Joseph's book Waking Up From War, and his pioneering integrative, community-building approach that generates post-traumatic growth.
Interview with CJ Liu
In this interview, Joseph talks about PTSD with CJ Liu. We learn what PTSD is and how we can start the healing process.
Joseph gives a talk to the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, DC
War, like all trauma, is a great teacher, if we can learn from it. For some years now I’ve listened to stories of war and come to know the people who tell them: Veterans, their family members and children, and their care providers. I want to share with you their voices, their anguish, and what I’ve learned about the remarkable process of coming back to life.
The ingredients veterans need to transform war trauma, and how, in a healing community characterized by unconditional compassion without judgment, veterans turn haunting ghosts into ancestors, usable memories which allow them to learn from experience. Since they and their families and care givers can do this, so can we all: ordinary citizens, our institutions, and our leaders. We can wake up from the dissociative fog of war, face its terrible costs together, heal, uproot our penchant for war and violence, and build communties of peace.
Dharma Talks
The True Person of No Rank: A Zen Story for Our Troubled World
In this series, take a fresh look at the teaching of non-self with Joseph Bobrow, Roshi, as he explores how the teaching of “the person of no rank” can help us bring forth our full humanity for the benefit of all.
Part 1: Who is the True Person of No Rank?
Part 2: Cultivating Dhyana, Prajna, and Sila.
Part 3: Purify Your Motivation.
Part 4: Archetypes of the Awakened Person