Walking the Path

I’m happy to announce that there are still spaces in our cohort.

Walking the Path is an opportunity to be part of a supportive cohort to learn Buddhism through a program of study and practice.

 November, 2018 – June, 2019

Program components

* Daily meditation practice at home.

* Readings: An article or book chapter, and a new essay by Joseph each month.

*  Personalization (Inquiry), reflecting on the experience of practicing and studying. Writing a short piece on this process of inquiry each month. Joseph will read and provide personalized practice feedback.

* Informal interaction and sharing among cohort members.

* Monthly 3 hour in-person workshop: Sitting and walking meditation, a dharma talk by Joseph, sharing in dyads, Q and A.

*Two daylong retreats.

For more information: jbobrowATcominghomeprojectDOTnet

1 Comment

  1. Arnie Schildhaus on October 18, 2018 at 7:54 am

    I first came across the Walking the Path information in this newsletter, and have also spoken briefly about it with my friend Kurt Goerwitz, who is enrolled. I’d like some additional information such as, dates of the monthly 3 hour in person workshops as well as the all day retreats, at least as much as you know at this point. Also, the cost of Walking the Path. On November 1 I do have a meeting in LA at 1:00 pm, so my degree of availability on that date is tempered.
    Briefly, I am a retired clinical social worker, age 74, and have practiced zazen to a greater or lesser degree for over 50 years.
    I look forward to hearing from you.

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